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'DR.VR Frontline' developed with the support of Smart Cymru and the Covid-19 Resilience Innovation Project

'DR.VR Frontline' developed with the support of Smart Cymru and the Covid-19 Resilience Innovation Project

Helping Frontline staff using the power of VR

NHS staff have been dealing with the coronavirus pandemic are subject to huge pressure and stresses caused by long working hours, requirements to keep themselves infection-free and mental anguish of seeing patients (and sometimes colleagues) very poorly. The use of DR.VR for stress relief for critical care staff has been shown recently in short trials with Cwm Taf University Health Board to be a significant and important use of the platform – (see futureVISION.health). We funded the placing of 22 DR.VR units into the Cwm Taf UHB critical care and intensive care teams (ICUs), to provide essential respite for key NHS workers during the current Coronavirus outbreak and to test the implementation of the platform for this purpose.

Results of the research can be found at http://futurevison.health/

Bi-lingual ERDF LOGO jpg-1We successfully won financial support from the European Union through Smart Cymru from the Covid-19 Resilience Innovation Project Support which allowed us to develop the project further.


The aim of the project was to:

1) create further development of DR.VR to make it more effective, appropriate and user-friendly for use as a stress relief mechanism for critical NHS staff dealing with Coronavirus cases.

2) Any changes to VR content needed to provide better stress relief options for NHS staff.

These tasks were guided by results and evidence that came from the Rescape-funded trial with Cwm Taf UHB.

The results of the project have been brilliant with a new Rescape product called “DR.VR Frontline” being launched to NHS staff in Wales and across the UK. This is ever more important as COVID is stretching staff to the limit. VR can have a major impact on mood and anxiety and we are seeing real interest in how we can help staff in meaningful ways.

If you are interested in discussing how DR.VR Frontline can help your staff please contact info@rescape.me


Would you like more information?

Simply fill in the form below for instant access to our DR VR brochure.

VR Distraction Therapy_brochure cover